Рабочы рух

Hidden mobilization in Belarus / MOD hides emergency at training camp

For more than a year, Russian troops have been in Belarus - first they attacked Ukraine from our land, now they are being trained and trained on the territory of Belarusian military units and training grounds. In the information field, the issue of mobilization and entry of Belarus into the war is regularly discussed, but Lukashenka in every possible way denies this, and claims that: “We are peaceful people. We know what war is. We don't want war. And we are by no means going to send our troops to the territory of Ukraine. Unless you commit aggression against the territory of Belarus from there”, “If we feel the threat of war, we will mobilize. So far, there is no such threat,” but only the lazy one does not know about Lukashenka’s sincerity, honesty and keeping promises, and the facts cast great doubts on his words. About what is happening at the country's enterprises, possible mobilization, sudden exercises and not only .

Russian warriors walking around Belarusian cities, unfortunately, no longer surprise anyone. Basically, these are mobilized and mercenaries from the Wagner PMC, who are undergoing training as part of the units of the territorial troops of Russia under the control of Belarusian instructors for further military operations on the territory of Ukraine.

If you don’t think too hard, then , at first glance, this does not particularly concern ordinary Belarusians - well, someone is studying there, training, what do I care, especially if “out of politics”. Maybe, if the following facts are not taken into account:

1) starting from the autumn of 2022, all organizations in Belarus received requests demanding to provide lists of those liable for military service, and the military registration and enlistment offices massively sent summonses to citizens with the aim of appearing, allegedly for clarification data - about the place of residence, family composition, available military positions. According to Lukashenka, this is done in order "to avoid mistakes in mobilization that were in Russia." So mobilization is not planned?

2) On the territory of Belarus, since April 29, 2022, exercises have been continuously held. According to the so-called State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus, Volfovich, the check includes a full range of measures related to the transfer of formations from peacetime to wartime, the conscription of those liable for military service, the supply of weapons, and the release of the formation to the training grounds to perform tasks as intended.

The experience of the Russian army in the war against Ukraine, including the seizure of settlements and the advancement of units across foreign territory, is largely taken into account in the training of military personnel.

3) In December 2022, a surprise check of combat readiness was carried out in Belarus, and from On April 3, 2023, it was announced again, but on a much larger scale and with the involvement of reservists. Ask yourself the question - has this happened before?

The Ministry of Defense reports that those liable for military service need to update their skills in handling weapons and military equipment, to undergo combat coordination.

They promised to distribute the reservists called up for training in military specialties, taking into account the previous service in the army, as well as to provide everything necessary for living in the field.

But according to information available in independent media, on April 17, 2023, at the Obuz-Lesnovsky training ground near Baranovichi, 1 reservist died, called up for training as part of a combat readiness check - this is all you need to know about the promises of an illegitimate government. Anyone who has ever been at the training ground during training camps or exercises knows perfectly well what is happening there, the total drunkenness of the command staff, irresponsibility, complete gouging and lack of safety precautions.

4) State-owned enterprises of the country, as well as housing and communal services, received orders - urgently, in accordance with the Instruction approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Defense, provide a list of equipment and vehicles that, in the event of martial law, can be transferred to military needs. 

According to paragraph 7.1 of this Instruction, the military commissariats, as it were, are obliged to check at least once a year in state bodies and organizations independently or with the participation of military units and traffic police units the readiness of vehicles for provision to the troops, their availability with sets of spare parts and refueling inventory. But I think it's unnecessary to tell how it's done in reality. And then urgently, why would it?

By the way, paragraph 3 of the same instruction states that citizens of the Republic of Belarus in case of martial law must provide their cars in accordance with the list of vehicles to be provided to the troops and formations.

In this list:

  • cars of the GAZ, LUAZ, UAZ brands, as well as all cars, regardless of the brand, with a 4x4 wheel arrangement;
  • trucks;
  • special vehicles: ambulances; watering and washing; tankers; truck cranes and other special vehicles;
  • buses, car trailers, road motorcycles with a sidecar with an engine capacity of more than 500 cc of all brands and modifications, including foreign ones.

Yes and in general, during a period of martial law, citizens and organizations are, of necessity, obliged to provide their property for the needs of defense. And any car is also property. Individuals and legal entities have the right to receive compensation from the state for the value of property owned by them and provided for defense needs. But then again - how Lukashenko and the company fulfill their duties have long been known to everyone - “sometimes it’s not up to the laws.” Are you ready to sacrifice what you have acquired for the sake of the whims of the old dictator?

5) Moreover, security measures at large strategic enterprises of the country have been strengthened. According to documents for official use, it is necessary:

  • to install access control and management systems, in a simple way, mini-gates, at the most important facilities of enterprises.
  • to equip transport checkpoints with a barrier system, means forced stop of vehicles.
  • to minimize the use of personal transport of employees on the territory of the enterprise.
  • to install perimeter video surveillance systems or upgrade existing ones.
  • to equip railway checkpoints, where such available, with motion sensors and good lighting.
  • install equipment for recording business telephone conversations.
  • purchase drones to patrol the territory of enterprises.

6) In addition, preventive talks, detentions and dismissals for political reasons are actively continuing at all enterprises of the country.

7) And last week, Lukashenka's pocket deputies adopted a bill, according to which the heads of state bodies and organizations will be restricted from traveling abroad , as well as those Belarusians whose “departure is contrary to the interests of the national security of the Republic of Belarus”, in simple terms, a travel ban for up to six months can be received by any person who is simply looked askance by the Chekists.

8) In parallel with the announced gathering of reservists The Ministry of Defense reported that a group of servicemen had been sent to Russia to gain skills in the practical use of the Iskander-M missile system, which has already been put into service in Belarus and can use tactical nuclear warheads.

All this is accompanied by the imposition of the Russian world under the guise of patriotic events, including with the involvement of children, invented new common holidays, as well as statements by Putin and Lukashenko about the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus.

If these arguments in the aggregate are not convincing, they do not suggest not to any serious thoughts, for example, about preparing for war and potential mobilization, yes, it may not be, maybe these are just big games and empty scarecrows of Lukashenka, but if you don’t prepare, then I’m afraid that this time our beloved “maybe” Yes, “probably” and just hoping for “the best” may not work.

Belarusians, we are a strong and wise people - think carefully about what is happening in a calm atmosphere, analyze, talk with relatives, friends, reliable colleagues, in which you are sure to discuss your actions in the event of the outbreak of hostilities and mobilization. The life of every Belarusian is priceless. It will be difficult and scary to resist alone, but together we can overcome any difficulties and trials, our unity and rallying is our weapon, which Lukashenka and his entourage are terribly afraid of. Take care of yourself! Long live Belarus!