Рабочы рух

Хроническая боль Лукашенко / ОАО «КамВоль» - Очередная жертва крепкого хозяйственника

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We all love beautiful, high-quality clothes, we want to dress fashionably, stylishly, constantly replenish our wardrobe with new clothes. But why, with a huge number of factories and light industry enterprises, we still buy Chinese consumer goods, and every time we swear, visiting shopping centers and shops, that Belarusian clothes and shoes cost like an airplane. There is an explanation for this!

According to various estimates, light industry in Belarus occupies about 28-30% of the total production of non-food products. Today, the flagships of the Belarusian light industry, according to Belarusian propaganda, are the enterprises Kamvol, Komintern, March 8, privatized in the 90s, as well as companies of a different formation, such as Conte Spa, Marc Formel ”, “Milavitsa”, “Belwest” and “Marko”. The flagships of the light industry - sounds beautiful. But is this really so? We’ll find out now.

Lukashenko’s favorite enterprise in this industry, one can say his brainchild, is Kamvol OJSC, the largest textile manufacturer with a full production cycle: from yarn production to fabric production and delivery of products to countries of Europe and the CIS - such information is contained on the official website of the enterprise.

The dictator visited this flagship of the light industry more than once, and since 2012 he personally changed the management and oversaw the modernization, since by 2012 "Kamvol" stopped in its development. But once again, the initiative of a strong business executive ended in failure - which was reported to us by the employees of this enterprise.

The premises were renovated, the workplaces were made comfortable, and the production facilities of the enterprise, after the modernization of equipment completed in 2016, seem to allow to produce 6 million linear meters of fabric per year, and according to the head of the enterprise, at that time Anatoly Subbotko, by 2020 this figure should have been achieved. But things are still there - by 2022, the output of products has approached only 2.9 million linear meters, 51.6% is sold to Belarusian buyers, and 48.4% is exported. All exports go to the Russian market. The declared figure of 6 million does not even smell.

In 2016, the enterprise employed 830 people, and now only 670 are working, although plans to create jobs were promising and optimistic.

And in order to dispel all doubts and not be unfounded, we will show you the data of the report on the analysis of the financial and economic activities of Kamvol OJSC for the period from January 01, 2022 to November 30, 2022. The results, to put it mildly, are disappointing.

According to the report of Kamvol OJSC, the part of travel expenses is not accompanied by documents confirming expenses for current operations.

Also, JSC "Kamvol" carried out unjustified enrichment by selling thermal energy to tenants at full cost, although the company itself uses a reduced tariff for natural gas. The total amount of unreasonably received funds for the current period of 2022 amounted to 8176 rubles 

The company wanted to raise its economic indicators at least here, although with the company's accounts receivable of 14.7 million rubles and accounts payable of 25.9 million rubles, this would hardly have made the weather. When you are owed 14.7 million, and you owe 25.9 million, 8 thousand rubles is a drop in the sea of hopelessness. The ratio of receivables and payables is much lower than the optimal value, which poses a threat to the financial position due to the likelihood of the impossibility of repaying one's obligations due to lack of funds.

Also, the control and audit service found that Kamvol OJSC overestimated the base for calculating bonuses to employees of the marketing department in August. The amount of the bonus is distributed among the employees of the department in an equal fixed amount of approximately 2,000 rubles, with the exception of two employees who received smaller amounts. Interestingly, they shared it with ordinary workers, hard workers, I think you yourself know the answer. Under Lukashenka's regime, who does not work, he eats.

In addition, in the design center of OAO Kamvol, the analysis found that the current norms for the consumption of fabrics and applied materials are technically unjustified. And then we wonder where such a production cost comes from.

JSC "Kamvol" is not able to repay urgent obligations in a timely manner and will be able to pay off all its debts by selling 93% of its assets - that is, the company has signs of insolvency, which is becoming sustainable.

But the most interesting, even funny, according to the report, was the personnel issue - according to the job description, a person with a higher economic or engineering and economic education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty, including in managerial positions, is appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Economic Affairs.

But in fact, the current Deputy General Director for Economic Affairs Betenya Natalya Petrovna has a higher engineering education and does not meet the qualification requirements. That's it, they found the cause of failures and the culprit of all the troubles of the enterprise, now they will replace or imprison, and things will go uphill.

That is, it turns out Lukashenko's lackeys themselves were stunned by the level of nepotism, inconsistency and corruption that flourishes in the country, which even reflect this fact in the report. Yes, in the whole country, wherever you don’t spit, there are only proteges and inconsistencies - and most importantly, the inconsistency guides the country, and as long as we, Belarusians, with our tacit consent and patience will allow such mismanagement, we will not see either profitable enterprises or a high standard of living, no bright future! And only together, united, we can defeat the slave system and change our lives for the better.

Despite almost bankruptcy, OJSC Kamvol is currently implementing a project to create a new production facility for the production of competitive business and economy class fabrics. In view of the identified lack of funds for the implementation of the project, an additional 13.2 million rubles were allocated. from the republican centralized innovation fund. Moreover, the deadlines, traditionally for the Lukashenka regime, are delayed, which is associated with the onset of so-called force majeure circumstances - the absence of all the engineering equipment provided for by the project (out of 92 units of technological equipment, as of December 1, 2022, only 38 units were put into operation), violations of logistics chains, difficulties with the supply of components due to sanctions, well, those that do not work. Moreover, during the installation of ring spinning machines in 2022, 2 specialists died at the Italian company licensor C.P.S.Tex: one died on arrival from Belarus in Italy from a heart attack, the second from pneumonia in the 3rd city clinical hospital in Minsk on November 27, 2022 .

In order to speed up the commissioning of equipment by Italian companies, on the initiative of the Bellegprom concern, Petrovsky, Chargé d'Affaires of the Republic of Belarus in Italy, held negotiations and meetings with the management of LAIP and C.P.S.Tex. As a result of the work carried out, it was possible to agree on a circumvention of sanctions with the Italians and to complete the commissioning of at least the LAIP dyeing line by C.P.S.Tex specialists.

In general, they will somehow complete it, modernize it, and then will find.

The main thing is that it doesn’t turn out like last time, when the design estimates and documentation on the implementation of work on the modernization of the enterprise, which ended in 2016, disappeared. With responsible at that time chief engineer Strizhak S.V. and construction engineer Volchek D.O. employment relationship terminated. When these officials were dismissed, the transfer of cases was not carried out, and at the moment there are no relevant acts and it is not possible to establish the location of the required documents. This is how it happens on the flagships of the light industry.

When proteges receive a salary, regardless of the result, then progress and prosperity cannot be expected. They have no motivation at all, and instead of a bonus for the successful work done, it is easier to rob the enterprise, because the responsibility is minimal. In general, everything is as always - what is under the control of a strong business executive, everything collapses.

If you want to help in the fight against the regime, contact us via the feedback chatbot, send information about your businesses. Rukh workers will fight for truth and justice, join us, subscribe to our channel and tell your friends and relatives about us, together, united, we will definitely defeat the system and build a new country with prosperous enterprises, Long Live Belarus.< /i>