Рабочы рух

Limitations of Lukashenka's Policy / People with Unlimited Opportunities

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One of the indicators of the standard of living and development of any country is the degree of respect in society for people with disabilities - for the disabled, and their well-being. 

In Belarus under Lukashenka, a very unpleasant trend has developed - society is not ready to accept these people as equals, as full and active participants in public life. There are no normal conditions for the disabled in Belarus, practically nothing is being done - they are not needed by the country, which is disgusting and outrageous. Why do people with disabilities actually survive in Belarus, why we are isolated from society we will tell you now. 

Today, more than 530 thousand people with disabilities live in Belarus, which is about 6% of the country's population.

The basis for recognition of disability may be:

  • occupational disease or injury received during work;
  • general disease or injury not related to work ;
  • disability since childhood.

The official disability status is determined and assigned by the Medical Rehabilitation Expert Commission (MREC). And getting it is sometimes oh so difficult, even with all the necessary documents and medical indications. The status can be valid for life or until the next commission. 

In any country in the world, the attitude towards people with disabilities in society primarily depends on the policy pursued in the state. According to the Law on social protection of disabled people in the Republic of Belarus, social protection of people with disabilities is one of the priorities of the state social policy and is aimed at improving the quality of life of disabled people, creating opportunities for them to participate in society on an equal footing with other citizens. 

Moreover, in 2016, the Law of the Republic "On Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" was adopted. The priority areas of the National Plan are the development of inclusive education, the solution of the issue of employment and employment of people with disabilities, the creation of conditions that will allow people with disabilities to integrate into all spheres of society. 

On paper, as always, everything is beautiful , but how is it in reality?

In fact, for people with disabilities in Belarus there are:

-disability pensions - this is a cash state benefit.  There are labor and social disability pensions. For the former, you must have sufficient work experience.

Disability pensions are:

  • for disabled people of the 1st group and disabled since childhood - 374 BYN;
  • for people with disabilities since childhood, group 2 - 323 BYN;
  • for people with disabilities of group 2 and children with loss of a breadwinner - 289 BYN;
  • for disabled people of the 3rd group - 255 BYN.

It's scary to think that you can buy with this fabulous money - 374 BYN. Then someone else wonders why in 2020 disabled Belarusians went on marches against Lukashenka, I personally, no! I perfectly understand that they want a decent life and a normal, human relationship - they have the right to it. And they are simply not noticed, they are even oppressed.

Well, judge for yourself, in addition to fabulous pensions, disabled people of groups I and II, in accordance with the Law in Belarus, have the right to:
- 90% discount from the cost of medicines issued on prescription, but within the list of essential medicines;
- free production and repair of dentures (except for dentures made of precious metals, metal acrylates, cermets and porcelain, as well as applying a protective and decorative coating of titanium nitride) in state health organizations at the place of residence - so why then make and put prostheses when everything is prohibited? Made of iron or plastic?);
- free or preferential provision of technical means of social rehabilitation in accordance with the State Register;
- priority free spa treatment or recovery (but for non-working disabled people);
- free travelon public transport;
- 50% discount on maintenance fees and ( or) the use of a dwelling within 20 square meters of the total area of the occupied dwelling and the right to a 50% discount on utility bills.

This is how people with disabilities are taken care of in Belarus. This is fine? Definitely NO!

While people with disabilities are more likely than other people to face employment problems - let's face it - a tiny number of organizations are willing to hire a person with a disability. About 120,000 disabled people have indications for work, and about 66,000 people are employed. The question of decent wages is not at all worth it. In addition, the desire to work can be a reason to review the disability group and, as a result, to reduce or cancel benefits.

Disabled people have more material problems and isolation from cultural life, problems with getting an education.
All over the civilized world, people with disabilities are trying to create the necessary conditions so that they feel needed, use all benefits and led the most fulfilling life.

Lukashenko and his lackeys have always given a damn about the citizens of their country, their problems, their pain. But for show and PR, you can ride on the ice "Olympic Arena" a guy who fought on the side of Russia in Ukraine and became disabled there, build a caring, humane old man out of himself.

And at this time in Belarusian cities for people with disabilities in public places, in apartment buildings there is still little adapted, not even elementary - the presence of a call button, handrails, railings, accessibility tools for the visually impaired, from sound alerts to tactile tiles - this is a luxury and an exception to rules. And ramps at the entrance! Even having them will allow you to get a category in extreme sports faster than going down safely & nbsp; people with disabilities.

That's exactly why we so rarely see these wonderful people on the streets and in public places of Belarus - they stupidly sit at home and don't go out anywhere, because going outside is a real test for them.
  ;And if we, Belarusians, do not unite, do not unite, do not stop thinking only about ourselves and do not come out with a single fist against the Lukashenka regime, nothing will change! No one has thought about the disabled, these full-fledged members of the Belarusian society, and no one will think about it! This needs to be changed!

Remember, health is the most valuable thing in the life of every person. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to keep it. Take care of yourself, do not be indifferent to those who have limited opportunities, show care and respect for them, because we are Belarusians, a kind and sympathetic people. Subscribe to our channel, join the Workers Movement and tell your friends and relatives about us, united, we can return the freedom and independence of our beloved homeland, and create a worthy society where everyone is valued and respected! Long live Belarus!