Рабочы рух

Lukashenka's fears / Belarusians out of politics

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Starting from 2020, there is hardly a person in Belarus who would not hear the nauseating, annoying phrase “I am out of politics”, as we were constantly told at work, through propaganda media, that trade unions, in principle, like sports, religion and much more should be outside the political life of the country.

Why so? Who invented and established such rules, inspired us all this for many years, and most importantly, why? 

We, Belarusians, were simply manipulated for the sake of their vile goals, blatantly misled - after all, politics is everywhere and in everything. 

The main property of any political system is the ability not only to distribute material and spiritual values in society, but also to induce the majority of members of society to these values to accept. Encourage the majority, not force - but Lukashenka and his lackeys clearly do not know the difference in these concepts. And they really want the Belarusians to know nothing too, not to participate in anything and to be amoebas in the political life of the country, it’s so convenient. After all, when people are interested, analyze, understand - it becomes much more difficult to hang noodles, manipulate their consciousness, push all their failures and failures onto the rotten West. It is for this reason that in all spheres of our life, they are so persistently trying to push this treacherous phrase - “outside politics” by any means!

Remember the election campaign of 2020, how big bosses constantly told us at work and in personal conversations - do not meddle in politics, you need to work at work, and not discuss the problems of the country, do not go to meetings with opposition candidates, politics is dirty case. Maybe it's dirty - because there are all "their own", and ordinary, honest people are simply trying with all their might not to let them go there? So, these caring bosses themselves, right during working hours, by order from above, collected signatures for Lukashenka - well, how they collected, extorted - in exchange for passing the annual exam, for vacation in the summer, for time off. It was like that everywhere. So what is this, if not politics? Such double standards. In general, at work, as it were, outside of politics, but if one dictator really needs it, then sometimes you can stay in it. Convenient!

And working conditions, the composition and size of wages, harmfulness, internal regulations - all this is a direct consequence of the political and economic processes in the country. The Lukashenka regime cannot or does not want to maintain normal relations with advanced countries, its proteges did not carry out timely and reasonable modernization at enterprises, therefore, products are not sold, enterprises become unprofitable, people are fired, harmfulness is removed, wages are reduced, rules are tightened - that's all the result of the policy, and all employees are its direct participants.

Trade unions - it's not even worth discussing here! In normal countries, trade unions daily have to interact with such purely political institutions as the government and public authorities, and the social and economic problems solved by trade unions often develop into political ones. Because they perfectly understand that the economy, politics and the social sphere are inextricably linked with each other.

In Belarus, the leadership of the pro-government trade unions, both before and after the elections, insisted on the principle of apolitical work of these wonderful structures.  But at the same time, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, Orda, acted as the head of the initiative group to nominate Lukashenka as a presidential candidate and publicly announced the support of the dictator by the entire trade union movement of the country. Workers, I will clarify, workers who receive salaries from trade unions, and not ordinary members, almost without exception were part of the election commissions. That is, the principle is the same - trade unions are strictly outside of politics, but for the sake of a vile and punishable cause, some can sometimes make an exception.  

power, which is able to make any changes, therefore, by any tricks, they lead people away. Unfortunately, so far many working Belarusians have not realized their importance and have not believed in themselves. But that time will come when we, the Belarusian people, together, supporting each other, will suffer, wrest our freedom and independence. And every day we take a small step towards this goal. 

What about sports - sports are also out of politics? 

No - any victories of Belarusian athletes, even those who train from an early age abroad, are attributed by the illegitimate authorities to themselves and used as an instrument of political PR. Because it is so convenient and profitable, having built sports facilities for the taxes of the Belarusian people, to tell that he created champions. Not buildings, not sports palaces and paraphernalia are the main creators of success, this has been proven more than once by the toothless game of Belarusian hockey players (insert of a penitential video). Of course, the conditions are important, but the main component of all achievements is the long-term efforts, work, perseverance of the athletes and coaches themselves. 

Remember the successes of Alexandra Gerasimenya in swimming or the sensation of the women's basketball team with leaders Elena Levchenko and Ekaterina Snytina, victories shot putter Nadezhda Ostapchuk and how proud he was of it, how Lukashenka boasted, as if he trained these champions himself, but for some reason did not remember at such moments about “outside politics”. And as soon as these athletes, who are not indifferent to the fate of their people, expressed their BUT, after the 2020 elections, they sharply became mediocre and unnecessary. Dozens of excellent Belarusian athletes for their honor and conscience have lost awards, salaries, the opportunity to continue their careers and nurture new young stars of Belarus. When the fate of their homeland was being decided, they did not pass by, did not lower their eyes and did not become silent, they stood up for the country and the deceived people. Politics and sports are inseparable. 

Do you think medicine is related to politics? Iron yes. This is very clearly demonstrated by covid-19. Many years of minimal budget spending on health care in Belarus has led to the fact that in hospitals and clinics there was a catastrophic shortage of even the most necessary medical equipment, drugs, and overalls! I personally know about a dozen people "outside politics" who lost loved ones during this time. And they began to see clearly, began to take an interest in everything, analyze, understand why it happened, who is to blame - they faced politics where they did not expect it at all. They saw that there was nothing to treat in medical institutions, they saw that doctors who could help were repressed, fired with the tacit consent of such “apolitical”, many left the country. And they saw the true culprit of the loss of their loved ones - Lukashenka with his politics and disregard for the people. But with a normal, competent approach, many victims could have been avoided. Do you need to go to such extremes for Belarusians to become interested? Answer this question for yourself.

It's the same in education - where many voting stations were located, right, in schools! representatives of what profession sat en masse in election commissions - teachers! And where are the shocking consciousness lines with the anthem and the removal of the red-green flag of Lukashenka taking place now - in schools! If that's not politics, then what is? Fanatical lessons in patriotic education? 

You cannot force your homeland or teach you to love - it comes from here. The rest is politics, everywhere and in everything, it will come to every Belarusian, it will affect everyone one way or another, do not even hesitate! In the meantime, some Belarusians are naively trying to hide, they pass laws for you, they rewrite the Constitution for you, they raise taxes for you - and everyone will reap the benefits.

In general, do you want to visually see from the outside how stupid a person who is “outside politics” looks like? Then look at the recent issue of Yuri Dudya, to whom Oscar Kuchera came for an interview. Kuchera showed himself as a person who has no causal relationships at all, and facts, evidence, weighty arguments are superfluous. This is how the average quilted jacket or yabatka in Belarus looks like. It's not even funny.

Take an interest in politics, think, analyze, unite and fight with us against the regime and injustice, don't be indifferent. Subscribe to our channel, join the Working Rukh   and tell about us friends and relatives, together we can build a wonderful prosperous and initiative Russian people! Long live Belarus!