Рабочы рух

Lukashenka's road scams / Pothole sawing in Belarus

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Lukashenka promises new roads, but throughout the entire term of office the situation does not change, and car owners are constantly faced with potholes on the roads

Belarus has about 4 million vehicles, of which 3.1 million vehicles are in the personal property of citizens. For the majority of Belarusians, a car is a luxury for which they have been saving for many, many years or have got into credit bondage. Therefore, every person wants to drive comfortably on a good road, not to catch holes and not to be a regular customer of the service station, investing huge sums in unplanned car repairs! 

< strong>But the desires of the Belarusians do not at all coincide with the possibilities or with the desires of the Lukashenka regime. Why Belarusian roads are in a deplorable state, who benefits from it and how to change it, you will learn right now. 

The length of the network of public roads in Belarus is about 87 000 km, including: republican roads - 16,000 km, local roads - 71,000 km.

Unfortunately, the quality of these roads leaves much to be desired, with the exception of Minsk - they are trying to create a veil of prosperity and order in the capital , because the dictator with his lackeys is constantly dissecting there on his cortege. 

Repair of roads in front of Dozhinki

Is Lukashenka to blame again? Exactly! He is the main cause of bad roads, or rather the system, the corrupt vertical of power built by Lukashenka. The roads themselves are a constant subject of manipulation and promises from officials. Dozhinki are coming, the arrival of a dictator in some city or elections of any level are on the nose, wait for emergency asphalt laying - sheer window dressing and fraud.

The vast majority of asphalt laying and road improvement companies in Belarus are state-owned. Regional highways belong to communal property and are on the balance sheet of six communal unitary enterprises engaged in road activities - obldorstroy, which are directly subordinated to regional executive committees. Therefore, there are simply no guarantees, control and responsibility! Have you ever heard of any official being punished for the quality of the roads? I haven't heard either!

Roller compacts asphalt in Belarus

When laying asphalt according to the instructions of superiors, workers often save on consumables and the thickness of the rolled coating. The result is a cracked surface, the service life of which is noticeably less than it should be. And at the entrance to the country houses of chiefs and officials, a new road surface appears quite by accident. 

According to the norms, a layer of 40 mm is required for a single-layer asphalt pavement, for main multi-layer roads - 40-70 mm, the first layer, then another one is the same, and the top one is up to 20 mm. Each layer must be rolled with a roller. Professionals in their field are required to comply with the technical regulations and established standards that are specific to local climatic conditions. Only then will the asphalt lie for a long time without losing its original characteristics.

But this happens very rarely, rather even as an exception to the corruption rules. More often you can see this picture: road workers lay asphalt directly on the snow, or in puddles, without cleaning and drying the canvas. Among our people there is such a popular sign: "Bad weather has come - wait for the workers patching the asphalt." This is some kind of masochism, because many of them have their own car, and they will drive along these same roads.

Patching is a domestic "invention" for cutting the allocated funds for road repairs. Everyone understands perfectly well, both ordinary Belarusians and road builders, that any amount of asphalt can be written off for patching. Pothole repairs do not require design estimates, which means that it is very difficult to establish control over the spending of funds. At the same time, patches are constantly being applied, since the old ones do not last long, new and new ones appear - it is simply beneficial for the road services to "grind" state resources with impunity. Let me remind you that in 2023, about 1 billion rubles will go to the Republican Road Fund from the budget. And this is the money that we, Belarusians, pay in the form of taxes. How can one not recall the mandatory vehicle tax for car owners, which came into force on January 1, 2021. 

Kind of transportDuty amount (BYN)
vehicle weighing no more than 1.5 tons.61
car weighing from 1.5 tons to 1.75 tons.81
car weighing from 1.75 tons to 2 tons.102
car weighing from 2 tons to 2.25 tons.122
car weighing from 2.25 tons to 2.5 tons.142
car weighing from 2.5 tons to 3 tons.162
vehicle weighing more than 3 tons.223

The minimum tax is 61 rubles for cars weighing no more than 1.5 tons, the maximum is 223 rubles for cars weighing more than 3 tons. So, where are the roads? There is a fee, but there are no roads! It is for this reason that since 2014, after the introduction of the state duty levied for the admission of a vehicle to participate in road traffic, car owners have massively stopped undergoing technical inspection, and the number of applicants has only decreased every year. 

Number of permits for the admission of vehicles to participate in road traffic issued in 2013-2020

Back in 2019, more than a million permits were issued, and in 2020 their number decreased to 726,000. It was probably the most massive protest of Belarusians against the Lukashenka regime and its actions! The state duty was removed, but a new tax was introduced - we, Belarusians, are just being robbed again!

Maybe it's time to change this situation - if each car owner starts turning to the leadership of regional construction companies, regional executive committees, local city executive committees, the traffic police and making reasonable claims that on such and such a street the road surface is broken, that this can lead to an accident and death of people - we will simply force these thieves to do their duties? If we unite and act together, no system will stand. And excuses that there is no money, this year the repair of this road is unplanned - they will not work! 

According to STB 1291-2016, the size of defects should not exceed:
- 5 cm in depth (from the very the lowest point of the pit to the surface of the coating)
- 0.09 square meters in area (this is 30 by 30 cm),
- the deviation of the manhole cover from the level of the coating should be no more than 2 cm,
-   wells along the edge of the carriageway no higher than 1 cm, and no lower than 3 cm.

These are the standards that every Belarusian can refer to, and the road builders are obliged to comply with them!

And how but in decaying Europe, in the poor and starving West? Everything there is of high quality, everything is sensible, with arrangement and responsibility.

In Germany, the USA, Japan, the main feature of the roads is a special cushion, often reaching two meters and made of several layers. Only after such preparation the road is covered with concrete or asphalt. While the concrete hardens, the road is covered with a special film that protects the coating from the sun and rain. If it started to rain during the laying of asphalt, the craftsmen will wait until the area is completely dry - and only then will they continue work. Despite the fact that concrete is laid longer than asphalt, it is much stronger and more durable. An important step is the cutting of expansion joints in order to avoid cracking of the screed, which can just cause the destruction of the road. The seams are sealed with rubber seals.  The service life of such roads is 25-30 years. This is the time to smile and remember the Belarusian “concrete blocks” made of slabs stacked side by side. 

In the West, each road has a warranty period of operation, if the coating deteriorates during this time, the company servicing the site repairs the road at its own expense . "Small hole repair" is not practiced in Germany. Any mistake threatens with lawsuits and material costs.

Finland, despite the harsh climate, is one of the top three countries - leaders in the quality of the road surface. The Finns make a pillow from various materials; special mixtures are added to clay or peat to make the foundation for the road more stable. And Belarusian officials have the audacity to tell stories that the disgusting state of Belarusian roads is the result of the most difficult climatic conditions, and not backward technologies and theft. 
And a few more key points! In most European countries:
1) roads are guaranteed. If the road surface breaks down during the warranty period, the company will carry out repairs at its own expense.
2) contractors are prohibited in most European countries. If the company won the tender, only this company will be engaged in repairs. 
3) all roads and, accordingly, firms have their own class;
4) all repair roads are carried out only in the summer, workers strictly monitor the weather, adapting to it as much as possible. If a company lays asphalt in the rain, its license is taken away;
5) and, perhaps, the most important and significant moment - they don’t steal there, they build a road for themselves and their children, for their country! Three third-party observers are watching the laying of the road. If at least one person does not like the quality, the company must redo the site at its own expense!

In Belarus, instead of making roads for centuries, using the latest technologies, it is easier for the Lukashenka regime to hack, save, and then engage in endless repairs, sawing up people's money and robbing the people. And this needs to be changed!

Unite, fight with us against the regime, injustice, do not let yourself be deceived and rob the Belarusian people. Subscribe to our channel, join Rabochi Rukh and tell your friends and family about us, together we can build a wonderful country with the latest technologies and high-quality roads. Long live Belarus!