Рабочы рух

Lukashenka takes revenge for donations

A new wave of repressions has begun at Belarusian enterprises. And the scale of the punitive measures of the Lukashenka regime may become one of the most massive of all time

Probably all Belarusians already know about the detentions of IT people who have donated to BYSOL since 2020 and still. They were summoned to the KGB “for a conversation” and extorted money, offering to transfer the amount of the donation in the amount of 10 times to the required account. They trained on them, tested the new system of state racketeering and began to apply it everywhere. 

We began to receive information that the enterprises of the country were being called to the same "talks" to the security services of enterprises on the issue of donations to solidarity funds , and after probing, some employees are transferred to the local KGB or GUBOPIK for subsequent determination of their participation. 

But there is a problem ...

Let's fast forward 2.5 years ago - 2020 unambiguously went down in world history as the year when the Belarusians woke up, believed in themselves as a nation, as a people, as a cultural value. Solidarity has revived in us, Belarusians - Belarus has never known such unity. And these are not only queues at places where signatures are collected for alternative candidates, in front of polling stations, mass rallies and protest marches. Wonderful Belarusian diasporas and people's embassies have formed in many countries of the world. Belarusians around the world in unison transferred money earned by their own labor to complete strangers: victims of beatings, illegally dismissed for political views and civil position, received fines and a day, families of those who received harsh and unfair sentences. 

It is very important and significant that people transferred their money voluntarily, wholeheartedly, absolutely disinterestedly. They were not forced, they were not threatened with dismissals and a short career ladder by their bosses, they were not set fixed amounts, as is the case with extortions for subbotniks, the red cross and newspaper subscriptions in all state organizations of the country.

In the eyes of Lukashenka and his court lackeys - all these Belarusians are now enemies of the people, sponsors of extremist and terrorist activities that need to be dealt with. 

So the problem is that there are tens of thousands of such caring people. 

Any revolution, any change requires resources and financial support - holding actions of any format, media content requires a lot of effort and material costs, the victims need help and support. The illegitimate one sees that the mutual assistance of Belarusians is working, that protest activity is still being carried out, albeit in partisan conditions, a vivid example of this is the rail partisans, the airfield in Machulishchi, therefore, by all means tries to cut off sources of funding. 

His own the traitor of the Belarusian people draws a resource for holding power from our taxes. Instead of using tax deductions of Belarusians for their intended purpose - for medicine, for education, for roads - Lukashenko buys defenders for himself - corrupt security officials. They have no ideology, they have no honor and conscience, everything is there for money, for apartments and for benefits. It allocates cosmic sums for propaganda, for mediocre journalists - in 2023 alone, it is planned to allocate 142.7 million rubles from the budget for the development of the so-called media. Imagine that about 50 million dollars are allocated to create a fake picture of prosperity, to denigrate the citizens of Belarus, who expressed their fairy to the regime.

At a time when the economic situation in Belarus leaves much to be desired, GDP over the past year has decreased by 4.7%, the number of the working population is steadily declining, there is a budget deficit of 3.2 billion rubles, it is becoming increasingly important to support these corrupt mercenaries it’s more expensive, it’s more and more difficult to feed. 

That is why many enterprises of the country received lists of those who donated to Belarusian solidarity funds, such as Baysol, Bayhelp and others. They want to take revenge on the Belarusians for our unity, for our mutual assistance, they want to deprive them of support. 

Returning to the problem - the lists of donators available to the factory security officers, to put it mildly, are not small, and often quite serious positions turn out to be in them. There was a dilemma for the management what to do - to fire, but then the question arises of who to work, because I repeat - the lists are huge, you can’t not fire either - you yourself can get under the hammers for failure to comply with ideological decrees from above.

According to the available information , people in the lists are divided into 2 groups  - the first, who needs to be fired, the second - who will be left to work, but will be taken under special control.

The question arises, where did the security forces get the data on donations? Most likely, the best Belarusian banking system in the world kindly provided Lukashenka's bandits with their clients' data on transactions from Belarusian cards via Facebook after August 2020.

 There is one significant BUT, the amount of the payment is known, but not its purpose. In fact, these can be any purchases on Facebook, and in order to bring at least some more or less real charges against you, the security forces need to gain access to your account, where all information about transfers is stored in your personal account, and cannot be deleted from there in any way, except like deleting the account itself.

When summoned to the KGB or GUBOP, employees are threatened with criminal cases, they are required to show their Facebook account in order to see the assignment of donations. They promise you indulgence and assistance in resolving the incident, not initiating or terminating a criminal case, which probably does not exist at all. 

According to the results of the “conversation”, if the fact of transferring money to one of the solidarity funds is recognized, two option:

  • the first is to donate ten times more than your donation or a fixed amount of tribute “where they say” and quit “of your own free will”; 
  • don’t pay, go for a day and be fired under the article. 

If a person agrees to pay the extorted amount, you may even be issued a decision to dismiss the criminal case. True, legally it does not mean anything - the prosecutor's office can cancel it at any time during the statute of limitations for criminal liability.

Remember, most often there is no evidence against you, except indirect ones, all these persuasions are a psychological trick aimed at ensuring that a person provides confirmation statements from Facebook and Internet banking, acknowledges the fact of a donation, pays compensation - that is, actually acknowledges your guilt. Under no circumstances should this be done.  

Remember, 2 things:

  • everyone has an inalienable right not to testify against himself and his loved ones - Article 27 of the Constitution .
  • non-humans work in these bodies, there is nothing sacred and human, only sadists and cynics are selected there - therefore it is absolutely impossible to negotiate with them, to trust them. 

A cooperation agreement does not protect a person from detention, initiation of a criminal case and does not reduce the terms, which has been proven more than once by Lukashenka's judicial system. As long as you say NO, you are innocent!!!    

Forcing you to admit guilt, to pay compensation to your own executioners is a moral victory for the Lukashenka regime. That is, you pay for the bullets they shoot at you, for the clubs they beat you with. 

The best thing to do in this situation is to delete your Facebook account. And during interrogation at the KGB or other structures, claim that your previous Facebook account was hacked and therefore you deleted it.  

It is necessary to prepare in advance for a possible call to law enforcement agencies, thoroughly think over a harmless version, where did you donate or what did you buy, why did you delete your account, set yourself up morally and most importantly - do not deviate from the chosen version even in the slightest, do not succumb to any threats and persuasion. 

Your weakness or cowardice can turn into the saddest consequences for you.  You will be milked constantly or you can be put on the hook - forced into a long-term cooperation and will be used for their vile purposes as the need arises - for example, they will force someone to set up. Can you then look at yourself in the mirror, into the eyes of other people? Let everyone ask himself this question himself. 

We need to protect ourselves and repulse these corrupt enemies of the Belarusian people. To properly get rid of the old account and delete Facebook, it is recommended:

- first, link your account to the "left" mail, the one that you do not use and which is not loaded on the device - if this is not done, the security forces will within 30 days, having gained access to your device, they will be able to restore the profile;

- then delete Facebook and you can create a new account.

Do not let everything take its course, do not be lazy, do not hope that everything will settle down by itself, everything will work out - spend just an hour of your time to protect yourself - the life and freedom of every Belarusian, every activist is priceless. 

Unite, fight with us for independence, the triumph of law and justice.  Tell your friends and relatives about us, join the Workers' Movement, interact with us - and then together we will be able to restore the freedom of Belarus and build a wonderful country with the rule of law. Long live Belarus!