Рабочы рух

Prayers to Lukashenka / Return of the fugitives

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Well, the main traitor of the Belarusian people, Lukashenka, recently sang his next vile song - they say, "fugitives", return to your homeland, we are ready to forgive everything, admit your mistakes, atone for your guilt ... and blah blah blah. But what happened? What is sadness? What kind of rhetoric started like this? And everything is simple - very difficult times are coming in Belarus, and Lukashenka understands this very well.

In one of our previous videos, we toldthat people are leaving Belarus en masse, the staff of most enterprises is being reduced, and emigration has reached catastrophic proportions - and the worst thing is that “brains are draining” from the country. We cited statistics for a reason, voiced the reasons for the emigration of Belarusians, and most importantly, the expected consequences. We said that soon it would be very, very painful. And these consequences of Lukashenka's policy right now are rolling over Belarus like a terrible wave and are being felt more and more. The dictator himself understands this.

The fact is that the economic situation in Belarus is deteriorating catastrophically, and one does not need to be an expert to understand this. Even from open sources of information and from the actions of the regime, it is clear that the problems are enormous - what is the adopted budget for 2023 worth, the deficit of which, according to the most conservative estimates, is 3.2 billion rubles and the “Changes to laws on taxation” adopted on December 30, 2022 , according to which Belarusians will be ripped off even more - we talked about this in one of our videos.

There is less and less money in the country, and paying pensions is vital for the regime, as well as supporting its far from ideological security officials and bureaucrats. And Lukashenka, in his characteristic gypsy manner, is trying to get out, to play on the sick - love for the homeland of real Belarusians, in order to once again deceive. He did not decide to understand us, not to repent and admit his crimes, not to make the life of Belarusians better - he has big problems! He wants to save his own skin, nothing more - he wants our money and cheap labor.


Just look at what a clumsy campaign the Lukashist amoebic propagandists have launched in the last two weeks under the strict guidance of the owner. Lebedeva tells how awful it is to live in Poland, how ordinary Belarusians suffer and how they are thrown at every step. And as evidence, they cite unconfirmed stories, allegedly Belarusians, and phrases taken out of context Belarusian Solidarity Center. The main message of these attempts is that it is better to be at home, come back soon! And we will put you in jail and make you work for free. Not a bad prospect…

Another BELTA star, Krylova, without blushing, tells fantastic things that only sanctions affect the relocation of the IT sector, and the selfish interests of the company's owners, it's not about politics at all. Of course not, all IT people left and leave solely because of salaries and sanctions, politics has nothing to do with it - although it is not entirely clear how politics and sanctions can be separated, but oh well.

Tell this especially to those who have served 24 hours, who have been prosecuted for fictitious crimes. Well, or this Belarusian IT specialist who came to Belarus to his family from Poland, and the brave guys from the GUBOP destroyed his documents in a shredder - a passport, a Pole's card, a work contract - with the words - you worked there, you will work here too.

This is another proof that the regime needs money, our taxes and free labor! What can I say, if more than 20,000 IT specialists have left the country since 2020, large companies partially relocated their employees, and many small ones moved in full force, even Wargaming left Belarus. More and more money is being washed out of the country.

But HTP Deputy Director Zalessky said that IT workers "at the slightest opportunity" come back to their homeland - of course, the truth is that there is no such opportunity yet, Lukashenka is not yet in The Hague for their crimes!

The authorities have turned the page. But the Belarusian people do not!

And together, united, we must fight for the truth, for the triumph of justice, for freedom, for the future of our children and the prosperity of our beloved Belarus.

Moreover, IT people who donated BYSOL in 20-21 are called to the KGB "for a conversation" and extort money, offering to transfer the amount of donation to the required account in 10-fold amount. A kind of racket at the state level, which has long turned into something like a group from the 90s. Just remember one very simple life axiom before falling for this divorce - racketeering is not a one-time thing, whoever could take money from you through threats and blackmail will come 2, 5, 10 times, and appetites will only increase. They will constantly take tribute from you and turn you into slaves. It is necessary, it is vital to resist all together, we are obliged to repulse the enemies of the Belarusian people.

By the way, as for tribute, they are taxes, there are big problems in the Belarusian Ministry of Taxes and Duties - even from there they are dismissed and in very a considerable number, and this applies not only to regional branches, but also to the head Minsk. According to the official website of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues, there are 27 vacancies in the city of Minsk, moreover, at various levels - from a cleaner of premises to chief state tax inspectors and heads of departments. Everyone has their own reasons for dismissal - from economic and personal to political and unwillingness to carry out the criminal orders of the State Control Committee to put pressure on individuals and legal entities. But the fact remains - Belarusians are leaving all spheres without exception and more and more are leaving Belarus.

Remember Lukashenka never apologized and did not admit his mistakes, he is a bloodthirsty and vindictive person. Even having thought over a propaganda campaign for the return of the Belarusians, his rotten stuff crawls out of all the cracks - such is his nature. Yes, and all his lackeys perform, as usual, everything is crooked, oblique, obvious and clumsy!

A chronic liar, persuading Belarusians to return, is silent about torture, ongoing arrests, more than 1,500 political prisoners and repressions deployed in the country against any “dissent”, about absurd laws aimed at intimidating and robbing the Belarusian people.

Don't be fooled by cheap tricks and keep fighting - Belarusians are on the right track!

Together we, Belarusians, will be able to overcome all difficulties and defeat the vile dictator's regime. To do this, we all need to unite and act together. Subscribe to our channel join Rabochy Ruh and tell your friends and family about us , united, we can return the freedom and independence of the country, stop the migration catastrophe and raise our beloved homeland Belarus!