Рабочы рух

What do Belarusian enterprises face due to integration with the Russian Federation?

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We have come across a letter addressed by the General Director of Belaruskali I.I. Golovaty to the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus. 

The railway infrastructure of the Bronka and Oraniieibaum-2 stations of the Oktyabrskaya railway, through which it is possible to deliver wagons with potash fertilizers to the terminal, is not sufficiently developed for receiving, processing, delivering to the terminal, ensuring the return of empty wagons from the terminal after unloading


What is its essence in brief? 

Potash fertilizers cannot be exported through the Russian Federation in the planned volumes due to the fact that the Russian railway infrastructure is not able to pass these volumes through itself, the seaports are busy, and the “brothers-Belarusians” are offered only the most disadvantageous options. In addition, the main condition for using even such options is to carry out modernization at the expense of Belarus...

People in leadership positions are amazed: they try to pretend that everything works and profit is coming, and there is no better union in the world, “Russia will save us from the evil West and its sanctions”, “we don’t care about sanctions: we adapted to them and not only returned to our previous productivity and profit indicators, but even exceeded them.” Sheer window dressing and averting eyes.

This letter is a good confirmation of this: the leadership of Belaruskali gives obvious replies to the ministry about inappropriateness, but they could have made a proposal - to release all political prisoners! Then the borders for sales will open, and new buyers will appear, and exports will resume along the usual, and most importantly economically profitable routes! - just work! But this is a hoax 🆘 The salary depends on sales, but if there are no sales or the sales volume decreases, the salary will be cut and this is expected to be attributed to the “low productivity of the workers themselves”, although they cannot arrange sales themselves.

What we have in fact: Russia expensively and unprofitably fuses Belarusians in those areas that are not beneficial to it and in which Belarusian resources need to be invested.

And now, attention, the question is: is such political and economic integration of Belarus with Russia really benefits Belarusians?

Have you ever thought that Russia is the same tyrant who only uses Belarus solely for his own purposes?

And most importantly: isn't it time demand the release of all political prisoners, and not blame everything on the impossibility of work due to the imposed sanctions and the departure of international partners?!