Рабочы рух

What secrets do BelRW bunkers keep?

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Since mid-May 2023, a number of preparatory events have been carried out at special facilities of the Belarusian Railway, the implementation of which provided for in case of military threats.

Broadband access lines to the Beltelecom network were installed in underground secret communication points in linear equipment rooms (LAZs) and auxiliary premises. At the same time, there was no registration, binding to the user or organization of these communication channels. Thus, we can conclude that a secret communication channel and access to the Internet is being organized.

LAZs serve to accommodate communication equipment, organize its operation and maintenance, they also install input-switching, control and testing, auxiliary equipment and equipment for multi-channel transmission systems.

Bunk beds have been installed and completed in specially provided amenity rooms, the necessary supply of provisions in the form of canned food and dry rations has been created.

In these secret communication points, next to the linear equipment rooms, rooms are allocated for KGB-ists. Information about the purpose of these premises and their equipment is completely classified even from the railway workers directly involved in the operation and maintenance of these facilities.

During the arrangement and completion of these special facilities, measures were taken to maximally restrict access to the nearby territory of unauthorized persons.

They plan to put ALL such secret railway points of contact in the country on alert.

These points of contact during emergencies and hostilities are used as a shelter for the heads of the regional branch of the railway for operational management the process of transportation, the interaction of various subordinate units of the road department, as well as ensuring communication with all stations of the department and with the main control point in Minsk, as well as the reserve in Mogilev.

At the same time, some secret communication points are located, as you think Where? Do not rack your brains - on the territory of railway sanatoriums: such as Zheleznodorozhnik in the village of Letsy, Vitebsk region, on the basis of the Talka health center in the village of the same name, Mogilev region. But even this is not the worst thing - in Letsy, a secret point is located under the children's building!
Think about it, these brave managers and KGBists are going to hide behind the Children! Secret point of communication under the building with children! Moms and dads, you raised your children for this, to cover for the cowardly darlings of these traitors - I'm sure not. BUT no one asks you about it - they decided so.

In addition, a little earlier, the BelRW carried out performance checks and reactivation of reserve traffic control centers (TsUP), which are the head part of the BelRW control system under conditions emergency situations and hostilities on the territory of the country.

But the most important thing is that such events are held in cases of a real threat of a military conflict on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

In general, it should be noted that that great attention is now being paid to the protection of railway infrastructure, especially the protection of strategic railway bridges.

For the same purpose, BelRW has expanded the staffing of the Paramilitary Guard (VOKhR) since November 2022, by 130 units of shooters, whose duties includes round-the-clock protection of 13 strategic railway bridges. Moreover, the illegitimate authorities are concerned about arming the workers of the VOKhR.

Instead of revolvers, yes, the VOKhR were armed with revolvers that were in service with the Red Army at the beginning of the 19th century, and so, by special order of Lukashenka, a decision was made to transfer and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a free lease to the Belarusian Railway for the needs of the VOKhR 1132 sets of 9mm Makarov combat pistols and about 77,000 rounds of ammunition for them.

An interesting moment - during the 2020 elections, the VOKhR of the BelRW was urgently disarmed. And now ...

How is it, if you want peace, prepare for war? And the war with whom? With the fraternal Ukrainian people, or maybe with the people of Belarus? I don’t have an answer to this question, but nothing is surprising anymore.

It is alarming that this preparation of secret points of contact requires considerable material costs, and there are simply no funds for BelRW at the moment.

According to the results of 2022, out of 22 organizations that are part of the BelRW , 7 organizations are insolvent - this is 32% of the total.

For the first quarter of 2023, BelRW  received a net loss in the amount 60.5 million rubles, and this is despite the multifold increase in the volume of traffic to Russia and China.

BelRW does not invest in fixed assets and does not implement plans to purchase railcars due to lack of funding sources. Moreover, BelRW is experiencing an acute shortage of cars in the inventory fleet, since the distances of transportation along the routes to Russia and China have grown many times and the cars simply do not have time to return, including due to the congestion of Russian railways.

To compensate for their economic insolvency, which was the result of an absolutely stupid and flawed planned management system implemented by the leadership of the BelRW on orders from above, railway bosses are taking measures to reduce unprofitability - by saving on safety and ordinary railway workers. 

On In all seriousness, the leaders of BelRW made decisions to reduce the volume of repair of infrastructure facilities, suspended the operation of certain clauses of the collective agreement, sensitive optimization is next - 8,000 people will be fired, many through the good old repressive approach.

But according to the statement the so-called General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus reports of upcoming mass layoffs in the labor collectives of railway transport organizations published on the website of our colleagues "Association of Railway Workers of Belarus" is false information and will be prosecuted.

Well, who would doubt it! Of course, we will believe the prosecutors, no one will be laid off! How can people lie who respect the law and honestly, responsibly, impartially control its observance in Belarus.

So that's what I'm talking about - there is absolutely no money for BelRW , the Belarusian Railway is at a loss, BUT the expensive preparation of secret communication points is still being actively carried out.

A bunch of people who seized power in Belarus are very concerned about their safety and are trying to take all possible measures to keep power by force for as long as possible. And in such events, the fear of these figures in front of the Belarusian people is clearly visible.

The leadership of the BelRW takes a direct part in prolonging this agony, becoming one step with the illegitimate government, supporting all ongoing, including repressive, events . But railway workers, like most Belarusians, unfortunately, still endure these abuses. But for now... believe in yourself and help each other, I have no doubt that together we will get the long-awaited freedom - Long live Belarus!