Рабочы рух

Where is our money Lukashenka / Chinese investments in Belarus

While Belarusians are working for the good of the country, paying huge taxes and trying to keep the economy on their shoulders, the strong business executive who seized power, once again took a tour with his favorite beggary program, this time to China

Most recently we released a video about the quality of Belarusian roads, paving technologies, about the notorious domestic "invention" for cutting allocated funds - patching - be sure to watch. And the Belarusians did not remain indifferent, our like-minded people sent us several interesting documents in the feedback bot, one of which was the report for 2022 of the Ministry of Transport and Communications on the implementation, or rather the failure to comply with Lukashenka's order. 

According to this document, the Ministry of Transport and Communications worked with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to prepare and implement the project for the reconstruction of the R-46 highway Lepel - Polotsk - the border of the Russian Federation (Yukhovichi), lasting 61.5 km. But work on the project was suspended at the initiative of the Asian Bank. 

To fulfill the order of a strong business executive in order to find an alternative source of financing, negotiations were also held with the State Agency for International Development and Cooperation of China to raise funding for the implementation of these projects . 

However, on July 1, 2022, the Chinese side informed about the premature consideration of road projects and the need to implement priority projects.

And projects were identified as priorities for 2022-2023 for the development of the 1st stage of the central part of the Veliky Kamen industrial park, BNBK-3 d - these are 12 independent production facilities in the field of agriculture for deep processing of grain in order to produce concentrated feed and essential amino acids, as well as the construction of a nitrogen complex - the creation of ammonia production facilities with a capacity of 920 thousand tons per year and carbamide with a capacity of 1.29 million tons per year. 

If the project for the development of the Great Stone industrial park is underway, BNBK facilities are planned to be built by 2032, then the construction of the nitrogen complex is still under discussion. 

Consideration of projects for the reconstruction of the R-46 highway and the construction of the Polotsk bypass, according to the report, will be possible only after the successful implementation of the previously mentioned priority projects. 

No wonder, the Chinese first of all think about profit, about their own benefit, therefore they invest headlong. Why do they need Belarusian roads, their goods are mainly transported by rail to Europe in transit through Belarus. But just the closure of the railway junctions between Belarus and Europe worries China very much - by the way, one of the most likely reasons for Lukashenka's business trip to the carpet in the Middle Kingdom. Unfortunately, not where most Belarusians dream of sending Lukashenka, the People's Republic of China is called the Celestial Empire.

The previously listed projects are planned to be implemented with the participation of the Chinese company Citic Construction, which, as a general contractor, implemented projects for the construction of turnkey cement factories of JSC "Belarusian Cement Plant", JSC "Krichevcementnoshifer", JSC "Krasnoselskstroymaterialy", on the organization of the production of assembly of cars ("BELGI") for 2012-2030, on the modernization of the Orsha flax mill.

Are the data successful the projects were for the economy - well, for the Chinese, yes, they made good money on construction, but each of you knows or has heard the consequences for the Belarusian one! The modernization of three cement plants was so successful that the plants still cannot pay their debts and loans, which significantly affects the wages of ordinary workers. The same state of affairs is at the Orsha flax mill. Interest on loans will be paid from the republican budget - well, that is, from our taxes. 

Here is a loan for Belarus for the construction of BNBK-3 issued by the Chinese side in the amount of $628 million without state guarantees , but issued to the government of Belarus, which will be paid at the expense of budgetary funds, our funds. But Lukashenka, as always, for propaganda purposes, will lie to the people of Belarus and tell another story ...

So what should bureaucrats do with Lukashenka's order? To implement the order for the reconstruction of the R-46 highway, it was decided to include this facility in the draft State Investment Program for 2023.  But here's the bad luck The state program provides for the financing of a number of objects for the reconstruction and construction of republican roads by attracting loans from foreign banks. And in connection with the sanctions policy of the West against the Lukashenka regime, funding for these projects has been frozen.

Therefore, we decided that in order to maximize the satisfaction of the reasonable demand of the population for high-quality roads and preserve the image of Belarus as a country with a modern road network, in 2022 the bulk of the funds will be directed to the restoration of the pavement of republican roads and bridges, postponing the work for reconstruction for a later period. 

In general, you can forget about the new road from Polotsk to Lepel.

And how do you like the wording - in order to maximize the reasonable demand of the population for quality roads and preserve the image of Belarus? They remembered the image, they decided to think about the population. Why would that be? 

You may have seen another report on the condition of bridges and overpasses located on republican and local roads, according to which 338 bridges and road structures in Belarus currently require repair, 53 of which are in emergency or pre-emergency condition. The leader is the Vitebsk region - 25 emergency facilities.

RegionNumber of road crashes
republican highwayslocal    roadsstreets of settlementsTotal
2022 January 20232022 January 20232022 January 20232022 January 2023
Brest region387204512310934
Vitebsk region12221722174334666
Gomel Region6393531953629348
Grodno Region1322911171415917
Minsk Region27386762510929458140
Mogilev region305811496618772
city Minsk -- -- -- --76237623
Republic of Belarus539130175369142341 628400

Maybe Lukashenka's lackeys were informed about an accident with material damage associated with road surface defects in 2022 and early 2023, and they decided not to escalate the situation in Belarusian society once again? The total number of such accidents in 2022 was 1628, and in January 2023 it was already 400. Impressive and self-explanatory statistics, isn’t it?

Only, according to the same report, the real volumes of possible financing of the State Program cannot be predicted in the context of limited budgetary funds and uncertainty with the involvement of external credit resources.

The question arises, so where is the budget, where is the money for the repair of Belarusian roads? After all, all car owners now pay a mandatory and quite large transport tax, which came into force on January 1, 2021. Did they pay for the maintenance of the security forces, for propagandists?

But what about toll roads, the proceeds for the use of which also go to the republican road fund?

It turns out that again because of the sanctions pressure, which Under no regime, the Ministry of Transport, together with the Ministry of Finance, cannot predict the amount of revenues to the republican road fund from tolls and tolls for the period until 2025 and expect a decrease in these revenues. Apparently, another new tax is just around the corner.

Lukashenko has always lived off handouts - Putin, China, the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development, only now, receiving investments, there was no development, money was thoughtlessly spent or sawn - as a result, Belarus is mired in loans and debts, and getting out of them will be a very difficult task for the hardworking Belarusian people. 

But if you don’t start now, don’t unite into a single fist, we Belarusians won’t take steps freedom, change of power and economic reforms, then the retribution for indecision will be severe - in politics, no one just gives money, you always have to give something in return.

Unite, fight with us for independence, the triumph of law and justice. Tell your friends and relatives about us, join the Rabochy Ruh, interact with us - and then together we can return the freedom of Belarus and achieve economic prosperity. Long live Belarus!